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157 people follow this city
Find out more about contributors and data sourcesIndex | Low | ||
Tree pollen | None | ||
Grass pollen | Low | ||
Weed pollen | Low |
Weather | Clear sky |
Temperature | 60.8°F |
Humidity | 58% |
Wind | 0 mph |
Pressure | 30 inHg |
# | city | US AQI |
1 | Butte, Montana | 123 |
2 | Hamilton, Montana | 122 |
3 | Sheridan, Wyoming | 121 |
4 | Deschutes River Woods, Oregon | 120 |
5 | Sunriver, Oregon | 120 |
6 | Tustin, California | 103 |
7 | Rapid City, South Dakota | 97 |
8 | Rancho Cucamonga, California | 95 |
9 | Naples, Florida | 94 |
10 | Diamond Bar, California | 88 |
(Local time)
SEE WORLD AQI RANKINGDay | Pollution level | Weather | Temperature | Wind |
Today | Moderate 62 AQI US | 82.4° 55.4° | 13.4 mph | |
Thursday, Oct 10 | Moderate 76 AQI US | 68° 50° | 15.7 mph | |
Friday, Oct 11 | Good 11 AQI US | 69.8° 46.4° | 17.9 mph | |
Saturday, Oct 12 | Good 43 AQI US | 57.2° 42.8° | 17.9 mph | |
Sunday, Oct 13 | Good 6 AQI US | 55.4° 33.8° | 6.7 mph | |
Monday, Oct 14 | Good 7 AQI US | 64.4° 35.6° | 13.4 mph | |
Tuesday, Oct 15 | Good 14 AQI US | 77° 46.4° | 13.4 mph |
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