Air quality in Cebu City

Air quality index (AQI⁺) and PM2.5 air pollution in Cebu City

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WeatherFew clouds
Wind4.6 mph
Pressure29.8 inHg

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What is the current air quality in Cebu City?

Air pollution levelAir quality indexMain pollutant
Moderate 60* US AQI⁺PM2.5



PM2.5 concentration in Cebu City is currently 2.8 times the WHO annual air quality guideline value

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What is the current air quality in Cebu City?

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Cebu City air quality index (AQI⁺) forecast

DayPollution levelWeatherTemperatureWind

Moderate 60 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 80%
86° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 98 degree 6.7 mph
Saturday, Nov 9

Good 42 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 30%
84.2° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 340 degree 4.5 mph
Sunday, Nov 10

Good 35 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 100%
82.4° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 39 degree 4.5 mph
Monday, Nov 11

Good 42 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 90%
82.4° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 143 degree 2.2 mph
Tuesday, Nov 12

Good 21 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 80%
84.2° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 81 degree 4.5 mph
Wednesday, Nov 13

Good 20 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 70%
84.2° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 329 degree 4.5 mph
Thursday, Nov 14

Good 21 AQI⁺ US

Human face indicating AQI level
Weather icon 50%
82.4° 77°
IQAir AirVisual Air Quality Map Wind rotating 318 degree 2.2 mph

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How to best protect from air pollution?

Reduce your air pollution exposure in Cebu City


What is the quality of air like in Cebu City?

Cebu City is a city located in the central Visayas region of the Philippines. It is a densely populated city, with some 922 thousand people living there, giving it the title of fifth most populous city countrywide. It is also a significant location for the economy of the Philippines, with approximately 80% of the countries localized shipping companies being located here, and is thus a major hub for domestic trade and exportation.

Regarding the quality of its air, Cebu City has mixed readings when it comes to air quality, with some areas being significantly more polluted, whilst others have a pristine quality of air, and thus is fairly location based when pollution levels are taken into consideration. In early 2021, during the month of February, PM2.5 readings of 6.1 μg/m³ down to 3.1 μg/m³ were recorded, indicating a very good quality of air at that particular time of the year. These readings fall within the World Health Organizations (WHO's) target goal of 10 μg/m³ or less, for the best quality of air, with the closer to 0 being of course the most optimal target to hit.

So, whilst there are reports of Cebu City suffering from less than optimal air quality in certain areas, due to its growing population as well as further urban growth and industrialization, it stands to reason that it also has a very good quality of air, with readings that are indicative of how an island based coastal cities air quality should be.

What are some of the main causes of air pollution in Cebu City?

Some of the main causes of air pollution would be similar to many other cities across the Philippines, and indeed the whole of South East Asia, with its large population there would be a whole host of anthropogenic based pollution sources. One of these would be the mass use, or overuse of vehicles. Numerous cars and motorbikes inhabiting the roads in Cebu City would put out high amounts of pollution, with many of the engines and motors being outdated and aged.

This is something that is fairly common in many parts of the world that see less stringent road rules in place, and can lead to considerably larger pollutive outputs from said vehicles, with older and aged motorbikes and cars leaking far more hazardous oil vapors, particulate matter and higher volumes of combustion based pollutants.

Other causes would be construction sites, road repairs and other similar areas, all of which can aid in the spreading of fine particulate matter through the air, which can have severe consequences on the health of those who breath them. Power plants and factories would also be contributing sources, many of which would run off of fossil fuels such as coal, which can put out large amounts of related pollution alongside whatever industrial material is being produced (with factories involved in the use or manufacturing of synthetic items such as rubber or plastic often putting out fumes containing burnt forms of these materials).

What are some health risks associated with breathing polluted air in Cebu City?

Whilst the current air quality readings have come back with exceptionally clean numbers, it is of note that for those who live in certain areas where there is less than appreciable air quality, they may be subject to suffering from adverse health effects or other related conditions. For people who live near to areas that see high volumes of traffic, or near industrial sites and other related areas, there is a whole host of different ailments that can crop up.

These include short term issues such as irritation to the mucous membranes, usually brought on by exposure to chemical irritant's or certain types of tiny particulate matter. The eyes, nose, ears and mouth can all suffer from aggravation, as well as the skin being affected as well, with young children being particularly susceptible to rashes or allergic reactions when over exposed.

Other health risks include respiratory related ones, such as scarring of the lungs or reduced lung function from excessive pollution inhalation. Once the lungs are damaged, individuals may become more prone to suffering from pulmonary conditions such as bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia and asthma attacks.

What can Cebu City do to improve its air quality further?

Some more initiatives that would assist in improving the air quality in Cebu City would be to phase out the use of dirtier fuels being used in vehicles, as well as reduce or get rid of diesel fuel in the future, something that would go a long way to reducing ambient pollution levels.

Other incentives that would aid in the improvement of the air would be to place pollution caps on industrial areas, power plants and businesses that emit any form of air contamination. If these places breach such emission caps, then charges or fines can be levied against them. This provides a strong incentive for pollution producing sites to keep their emission levels down, either through a switch to cleaner fuel sources, or the implementation of proper filtration units in areas that see combustion taking place, so that much of the chemicals and particulate matter is withdrawn from the air before it is released into the atmosphere.

Other initiatives include ones such as maintaining proper construction site hygiene, which involves the sufficient covering of sand piles, as well as minimizing the spread of finely ground stone, concrete or silica particles from escaping the sites.

What are some of the types of pollution found in the air in Cebu City?

Some of the main types of pollution found in the air would be ones that see their release from vehicles. These include pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and black carbon. Nitrogen dioxide is one of the chief offenders when it comes to vehicular emissions, often found in large quantities over areas that see high volumes of traffic. Other pollutants that may be found in the air in varying quantities would be ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOC's), some of which include benzene, toluene and methylene chloride.

Where is the cleanest air quality in Cebu City?

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