Andrew Whitelaw

Andrew Whitelaw

Cá nhân

1 Station

352 người theo dõi

Ảnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõi

Giới thiệu

I am a medical researcher working on treatments for brain injured babies. However, my interest in air pollution is where I live in Oslo. When the weather is cold, many people round me heat their homes with wood-burning stoves. This hugely increases 2.5 m particles in the air outside if there is no wind. In addition, we live right by the sea and have a steady traffic of diesel-powered ships and ferries passing quite near and these probably contribute to particle pollution unless the wind is blowing.



Oslo, Na Uy

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