Smart Air Bangladesh

Smart Air Bangladesh

Giáo dục

2 Stations

4K người theo dõi

Ảnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõi


Giới thiệu

Smart Air Bangladesh is a clean-tech business dedicated to helping people protect themselves from the harms of air pollution. Our team sells simple, no-nonsense air purifiers and provides free knowledge, information and workshops to combat the impacts of air pollution for the people of Bangladesh.
We are working to raise awareness on air pollution by installing air quality monitors around Dhaka and other cities in Bangladesh. Contact us if you'd like to host an air quality monitor at your office or home:


Gulshan Lake Park | Smart Air Bangladesh

Dhaka, Băng-la-đét


Gulshan Badda Link Road | Smart Air Bangladesh

Dhaka, Băng-la-đét

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