U.S. Embassy in New Delhi

U.S. Embassy in New Delhi


0 시설

1 스테이션

195.8K 팔로워

팔로워의 프로필 이미지팔로워의 프로필 이미지팔로워의 프로필 이미지팔로워의 프로필 이미지




The U.S. Embassy in New Delhi is one of the largest U.S. diplomatic missions in the world, a reflection of the importance the United States places on its relationship with India. The Embassy represents 17 U.S. federal government agencies, from the U.S. Department of State to the Federal Aviation Administration. The Embassy coordinates the activities of four consulates — in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Hyderabad – ensuring that the U.S.-India relationship is strong throughout the country.

  • Facilities 0
  • 스테이션 1
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