Pollen count and allergy info for Oklahoma City

Oklahoma City pollen and allergy report

Last update at (local time)

Today's Pollen Count in Oklahoma City

Pollen types
Tree pollenModerate
Grass pollenLow
Weed pollenNone
Source: tomorrow.io

Air quality

Air quality of Oklahoma City today

PM2.5 µg/m³Good
PM10 µg/m³Good
O3 µg/m³Good
NO2 Good
CO Good
See air quality

Allergy forecast

Oklahoma City pollen count forecast

DayIndex Tree Grass Weed WindWeatherTemperature
Very high
Very high
Wind rotating 175 degree 15.7 mp/h
Weather icon 30%
84.2° 64.4°
Sunday, Jun 2
Wind rotating 165 degree 24.6 mp/h
Weather icon 80%
91.4° 66.2°
Monday, Jun 3
Wind rotating 170 degree 20.1 mp/h
Weather icon 100%
89.6° 64.4°


Can the pollen count in Oklahoma City affect indoor air quality?

The pollen count in Oklahoma City greatly affects indoor air quality as pollen particles are easily carried indoors by the wind through open windows, doors, and ventilation systems. Once inside, these particles settle on furniture, carpets, and bedding, posing a problem for individuals with pollen allergies. Even those without specific allergies may experience respiratory irritation when exposed to high indoor pollen levels.

To mitigate the impact of pollen on indoor air quality, several measures can be taken.

During periods of high pollen count, it's recommended to keep windows and doors closed. Air conditioning or fans can be used to circulate indoor air instead.

Install high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in HVAC systems to effectively capture pollen particles and other allergens, thus improving overall indoor air quality.

Clean and vacuum indoor spaces regularly using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter. This helps remove settled pollen, minimizing the chance of it becoming airborne again.

Reduce the number of indoor plants or choose low-pollen-producing plants to minimize indoor pollen levels, particularly for those with pollen allergies.

Designate certain areas, like bedrooms, as pollen-free zones by keeping windows closed and using allergen-proof bedding covers to create a barrier against pollen.

Dust and wipe surfaces regularly with a damp cloth to remove settled pollen, effectively reducing the overall pollen load indoors.

By implementing these measures, individuals can significantly reduce the impact of pollen on indoor air quality, providing relief for those with pollen allergies and improving general respiratory comfort for everyone indoors.

What are the main sources of allergens which contribute to the pollen count in Oklahoma City?

Oklahoma City boasts a diverse range of plant life, and several of these plants contribute to the overall pollen count in the area. Understanding the main sources of allergens can help individuals better manage their exposure and reduce the impact of pollen-related allergies.

Grasses are a significant source of pollen in Oklahoma City. Bermuda grass and Timothy grass are particularly prevalent and can contribute to high pollen counts. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a warm-season grass commonly found in lawns, sports fields, and open spaces. It releases large amounts of pollen into the air, especially during the summer months. Timothy grass (Phleum pratense), a cool-season grass, is also known for its allergenic properties and contributes to the pollen count during the spring and early summer.

Trees are another significant source of pollen in Oklahoma City. Oak, cedar, and juniper are among the common trees that release allergenic pollen. Oak trees (Quercus spp.) are abundant in the region and produce large amounts of pollen in the spring. Cedar trees, particularly Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana), release pollen during late winter and early spring. Juniper trees, including various species in the Juniperus genus, also contribute to the pollen count, primarily during the spring season.

Ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) is a highly allergenic plant that significantly impacts the pollen count in Oklahoma City, particularly during late summer and early fall. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) and giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) are the two main species found in the area. Ragweed pollen is extremely lightweight and can travel long distances through the air, leading to increased pollen counts and triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

It's important to note that the above list represents some of the major sources of allergenic pollen in Oklahoma City, but there are other plants in the area that may contribute to the overall pollen count.

Does the pollen count in Oklahoma City vary between the seasons?

The pollen count in Oklahoma City exhibits significant variations throughout the seasons. Different seasons bring about fluctuations in the types and quantities of pollen present in the air.

During spring, the pollen count tends to rise due to the increased presence of tree pollen. Trees such as oak, cedar, juniper, maple, and pine release their pollen into the air, triggering allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. These airborne pollen grains can be carried over long distances, contributing to the overall pollen count in the city. Spring is a challenging time for those allergic to tree pollen, as it can lead to symptoms like sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, and watery eyes.

In summer, the pollen count is primarily influenced by grasses. Grass pollen, including species like Bermuda grass and Timothy grass, becomes more prevalent. Individuals sensitive to grass pollen may experience allergic symptoms similar to those caused by tree pollen. It is advisable for people with grass allergies to monitor the pollen count and take necessary precautions to reduce exposure during this time.

As autumn sets in, the pollen count in Oklahoma City is dominated by weed pollen. Ragweed, a highly allergenic plant, is the primary culprit during this season. Ragweed pollen is known to cause severe allergic reactions in many individuals, and its presence can significantly contribute to the overall pollen count. Fall allergies can be particularly challenging for those sensitive to ragweed pollen, leading to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, itchy throat, and worsened asthma.

Pollen counts can be influenced by various factors, including weather conditions and annual variations. Factors like temperature, humidity, wind patterns, and precipitation can affect the release, dispersal, and longevity of pollen grains. Therefore, it's advisable to stay updated on local pollen forecasts and take appropriate measures to manage pollen exposure based on current conditions.

How does air pollution influence the pollen count in Oklahoma City?

Air pollution in Oklahoma City can worsen the effects of pollen and trigger allergic responses in susceptible individuals. Pollutants like ozone and nitrogen dioxide can interact with pollen particles, altering their properties and increasing their allergenicity. This can lead to stronger immune responses and more severe allergic symptoms such as congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing.

The combination of pollen and air pollutants creates a synergistic effect on respiratory health. Pollen grains that have absorbed pollutants can cause a heightened immune response when in contact with the respiratory system. This can result in more severe allergic reactions.

Air pollution, including particulate matter and other pollutants, contributes to overall respiratory irritation and inflammation. It irritates the respiratory tract, making individuals more susceptible to pollen-triggered allergies. Air pollution also weakens the respiratory system's defences, allowing pollen allergens to penetrate more easily.

Furthermore, air pollution compromises the general air quality, affecting both allergic and non-allergic individuals. Poor air quality due to pollutants can cause respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. When combined with high pollen levels, it poses challenges for individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies.

To mitigate the effects of air pollution and pollen, it is recommended to monitor local air quality indices and pollen forecasts. On days with high air pollution levels, limit outdoor activities, especially during peak pollen times. Creating clean indoor environments by using high-quality air filters, keeping windows and doors closed, and regularly cleaning and vacuuming indoor spaces helps reduce pollen and air pollutant infiltration.

Is there a particular time of day when the pollen count is highest in Oklahoma City?

Pollen levels can vary throughout the day, but there is a general trend that pollen counts tend to be highest in the morning in Oklahoma City. During the early morning hours, typically between dawn and 10 AM, the air is often cooler and more still. These conditions allow pollen particles to stay suspended in the air for a longer duration, increasing the likelihood of exposure.

As the day progresses and temperatures begin to rise, air circulation increases. This increased airflow causes some pollen particles to settle, leading to lower pollen counts in the afternoon and evening. Additionally, precipitation such as rain can help temporarily wash pollen out of the air, resulting in decreased pollen levels.

However, it's important to note that pollen counts can also be influenced by other factors, including weather conditions and specific plant species in the area. For example, on windy days, pollen can be dispersed over longer distances and lead to higher counts even in the afternoon. Additionally, different plants have varying peak pollen release times, which can affect the overall pollen count patterns throughout the day.

It's advisable for individuals who are sensitive to pollen to monitor local pollen forecasts and plan outdoor activities accordingly. If you are particularly sensitive to pollen, it may be beneficial to schedule outdoor activities for times when pollen counts are generally lower, such as in the late afternoon or early evening.

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