Pollen count and allergy info for Montreal

Montreal pollen and allergy report

Last update at (local time)

Today's Pollen Count in Montreal

Pollen types
Tree pollenNone
Grass pollenNone
Weed pollenNone
Source: tomorrow.io

Air quality

Air quality of Montreal today

PM2.5 µg/m³Good
O3 µg/m³Good
NO2 Good
SO2 Good
CO Good
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Allergy forecast

Montreal pollen count forecast

DayIndex Tree Grass Weed WindWeatherTemperature
Wind rotating 23 degree 4.5 mp/h
Weather icon
82.4° 59°
Tuesday, Jun 4
Wind rotating 16 degree 6.7 mp/h
Weather icon
78.8° 55.4°
Wednesday, Jun 5
Wind rotating 137 degree 6.7 mp/h
Weather icon 80%
80.6° 60.8°


How does the pollen count in Montreal compare between different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon and evening?

Pollen counts in Montreal exhibit noticeable changes throughout the day. These variations can be traced back to the natural rhythms of the plants that produce pollen as well as to meteorological factors such as temperature and wind.

Morning is the period when pollen counts tend to be the highest. Plants, especially those in the tree family like oak and pine, release pollen at the first break of light. This biological phenomenon, known as "pollen burst," is a result of the plants taking advantage of the still air conditions to help spread their reproductive material over a wider area. For people sensitive to pollen, the morning hours can thus become a particularly difficult period. Outdoor activities are less recommended during this time, especially for those who have allergies or respiratory issues.

By the time the afternoon arrives, changes in the atmosphere begin to influence the pollen count. The rise in temperature and wind speed acts as a mechanism to disperse pollen away from the surface, lowering concentrations at breathing height. These meteorological changes offer somewhat of a respite compared to the usually high morning counts. The air is generally less saturated with pollen particles, which leads to moderate levels of pollen in the atmosphere. This is why many people find the afternoon to be a more comfortable time for outdoor activities such as walking, jogging, or gardening.

As evening approaches, another shift occurs. Plants generally become less active in their pollen release. One reason for this is the drop in temperature. Lower temperatures often mean less plant activity, thereby leading to reduced pollen counts. Additionally, the atmosphere tends to stabilise during the evening, with less wind to carry the pollen particles. This overall decrease in activity from both plant and environmental factors results in lower pollen levels, making the evening another viable time slot for those looking to avoid high levels of exposure.

Understanding these variations can have practical implications. For instance, if you have the flexibility to choose when to venture outside, it might be advisable to opt for late afternoon or early evening activities when pollen counts are generally more moderate. Keeping track of these daily fluctuations is not just academic; it's a crucial part of managing pollen exposure and its subsequent health impacts effectively.

What are the seasonal differences for the pollen count in Montreal?


Spring is the initial phase of the pollen calendar in Montreal. During this season, tree pollen is the primary contributor to airborne pollen counts. Trees such as oak, pine, and maple start releasing their pollen as early as late February and continue through until late May. The concentration of this type of pollen is highest during dry, windy days, when the pollen can be easily dispersed. This is the time when people who are allergic to tree pollen may experience heightened symptoms like sneezing, a runny nose, or itchy eyes. It is recommended to keep an eye on the pollen forecast, as trees like oak and pine can produce substantial amounts of pollen that can exacerbate allergy symptoms.


As spring transitions into summer, the pollen landscape changes. Grasses become the dominant species contributing to pollen counts. In Montreal, common grasses that release pollen include ryegrass and Timothy grass. These grasses release pollen from late May to early August. Grass pollen is generally smaller than tree pollen and can travel greater distances, carried by the wind. For those allergic to grass pollen, symptoms can be similar to tree pollen allergies. Some people might experience hay fever, known medically as allergic rhinitis, which can make outdoor activities less enjoyable.


By the time autumn arrives, weed pollen becomes the primary concern. Weeds such as ragweed and nettles dominate the pollen scene. Ragweed is particularly notorious for causing allergies. This type of pollen is present from late August until the first hard frost, which usually occurs in late October. Weed pollen is typically released in the late afternoon and early evening, and similar to tree and grass pollen, is more concentrated on dry, windy days. For those who are allergic, this season can be quite challenging due to the overlap of different types of pollen and the prevalence of ragweed.


Winter is the season when pollen counts are at their lowest in Montreal. Most plants are dormant during this period, and the cold temperatures inhibit the release and dispersal of pollen. While outdoor pollen is less of a concern, it’s worth noting that indoor allergens like dust mites and pet dander can be more problematic in winter months when people spend more time indoors.

By being aware of these seasonal changes in pollen count, people can better manage their symptoms and take appropriate measures to mitigate exposure. Different seasons bring different types of pollen, and understanding this can be a crucial step in effective allergy management. Monitoring pollen forecasts and taking preventative steps like staying indoors on high-pollen days can make a significant difference.

How does the pollen count in Montreal affect people with allergies?

High pollen counts in Montreal have a noticeable impact on those who suffer from allergies. The presence of pollen in the air from various plants like trees, grasses, and weeds can trigger a range of symptoms. These can include but are not limited to, sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes. Some people might experience symptoms that are more severe, such as allergic asthma. Such conditions warrant immediate medical attention and may require a specific treatment plan to manage.

Understanding the role of pollen types is essential in predicting and managing allergy symptoms. In Montreal, tree pollen is a major factor during the spring season. Different types of trees, such as oak, pine, and maple, release pollen that can be problematic for many individuals. Grass pollen takes over in the summer, with species like ryegrass and Timothy grass being common culprits. In the autumn, weed pollen, primarily from plants like ragweed and nettles, becomes the major concern. Each of these pollen types has its unique allergenic properties, and some people may be more sensitive to one type than others.

Monitoring the daily pollen count can assist in the management of allergy symptoms. Many online platforms provide information about the current pollen levels, which can serve as a helpful tool for those prone to allergies. Medical professionals like allergists often rely on this data to offer appropriate advice or medication to their patients. Antihistamines, for example, can be prescribed based on the expected pollen levels, providing relief from symptoms. For long-term management, some healthcare providers recommend allergen immunotherapy, a treatment that involves exposing the patient to gradually increasing amounts of the allergen to build up immunity.

Indoor air quality also plays a role in how pollen affects people with allergies. Pollen particles can enter homes through open windows and doors, sticking to surfaces and lingering in the air. The use of air purifiers can reduce indoor pollen levels, offering a more comfortable environment for individuals with allergies. Besides, regular cleaning and the use of hypoallergenic bedding can also contribute to a reduction in symptoms.

Given the complexity and variability of pollen allergies, proactive management is key. Measures can range from staying indoors during peak pollen times to using air purifiers and seeking medical treatment. It's essential to consult with healthcare providers for a comprehensive treatment plan that's tailored to individual needs, considering both the types of pollen in the air and the specific symptoms experienced.

Being aware of pollen counts and adjusting one's daily activities and treatment plans accordingly can make a significant difference in the quality of life for those affected by pollen allergies in Montreal. Therefore, keeping track of the daily and seasonal pollen counts is not just recommended but crucial for effective management.

Does the pollen count in Montreal impact the overall air quality index?

Pollen count is an important factor that can influence the air quality in Montreal, although it is not typically included in the standard metrics for measuring air quality index (AQI). The AQI primarily measures common pollutants such as particulate matter, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen dioxide. However, during peak seasons for pollen release, there is a noticeable impact on air quality.

Firstly, it is crucial to understand how pollen interacts with other pollutants. Pollen grains can bind to other particles in the atmosphere, thereby amplifying existing air quality issues. For example, when pollen binds with particulate matter, it can make the air noticeably more hazardous to breathe, particularly for people with asthma or other respiratory conditions. These combinations can exacerbate symptoms and make breathing even more difficult than when faced with pollen or pollution alone.

Secondly, the presence of high levels of pollen can have an indirect impact on human activities, which in turn affect air quality. For example, on days when pollen counts are high, people are more likely to stay indoors. This often leads to an increase in energy consumption, as people rely on air conditioners and air purifiers to mitigate the effects of the pollen. Increased energy consumption has its own set of implications for air quality, as it often leads to the production of more pollutants that can harm air quality, thus creating a cycle that further degrades the overall AQI.

Moreover, high pollen counts can impact not just outdoor air quality but also indoor air quality. Pollen can enter homes through open windows, HVAC systems, and even on clothing or pets. Once inside, the pollen can combine with indoor pollutants such as dust, pet dander, and chemicals from cleaning products. This creates a situation where even the sanctuary of one's home is not free from air quality concerns. During peak pollen seasons, it becomes especially important to focus on indoor air quality measures such as using air purifiers, keeping windows closed, and regularly cleaning air filters in HVAC systems.

Finally, it's worth noting that weather plays a significant role in both pollen count and air quality. Conditions such as wind speed, temperature, and humidity can influence how much pollen plants release as well as how pollutants disperse in the atmosphere. During hot and dry conditions, both pollen counts and levels of other pollutants can spike, leading to especially poor air quality. On the other hand, rain can provide temporary relief by washing away pollen and other pollutants from the air.

So, while pollen is not a traditional component of air quality measurement, its influence on both outdoor and indoor air conditions is not to be underestimated. Therefore, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of air quality during high pollen seasons, it would be wise to monitor both the AQI and pollen counts.

Can the pollen count in Montreal affect pets or animals?

Pollen count in Montreal is a matter of concern not just for humans but also for pets and other animals. When the pollen count rises, it's common to see a range of symptoms in pets similar to what humans experience. Specifically, animals with fur are more susceptible to the effects of pollen, as their fur can trap these particles, leading to extended exposure.

One of the most common manifestations of high pollen count in pets is skin irritation. The pollen particles that cling to the fur can irritate the skin underneath. This often results in pets excessively scratching, biting, or licking themselves in an attempt to relieve the irritation. Skin redness and signs of inflammation can also indicate that a pet is reacting to high pollen levels.

Respiratory issues are another concern. Just like in humans, the respiratory tracts of animals are sensitive to the inhalation of pollen particles. Symptoms can include coughing, sneezing, and in more severe cases, wheezing. This is particularly concerning for breeds of dogs and cats that already have existing respiratory issues or flat faces, such as Bulldogs or Persian cats, as they are more susceptible to such conditions.

It's also worth noting that the type of pollen affecting your pet can vary with the seasons, similar to how it affects humans. For instance, tree pollen in the spring might cause issues for some pets, while others might react to grass pollen more frequently found in the summer months. Therefore, observing when your pet shows symptoms can give you clues about which specific pollens may be causing the issue, enabling more effective management.

Management typically involves a two-fold approach: reducing exposure and seeking veterinary care for symptom relief. Reducing exposure may involve more frequent washing and grooming of pets to remove pollen particles from their fur. Using air purifiers and keeping windows closed during high-pollen seasons can also help manage indoor air quality for pets.

On the medical side, vets can prescribe antihistamines or topical treatments that can relieve itching and inflammation. In some cases, more severe symptoms may necessitate stronger medication or even corticosteroids. However, these treatment plans should be discussed thoroughly with a qualified veterinarian to ensure they are appropriate for your pet.

Given these multiple dimensions of how pollen count can affect pets, it's evident that high pollen levels in Montreal can have a broad impact on animal health. This makes it important for pet owners to be vigilant during high pollen seasons and to consult their veterinarians for advice tailored to their pets' specific needs.

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