Bac Ninh air quality map

Live air pollution map of Bac Ninh

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
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1 Mandala Hotel & Spa Bac Ninh


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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

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What are some of the readings present on the air pollution map for Bac Ninh?

To quote some examples taken from the air pollution map, or air quality map as they can be referred to, readings gathered in mid to late July of 2022 will be used as a brief example. It is of importance to note that these are examples only, and due to the air quality maps constantly updating, they should be checked regularly, particularly when users suspect that the air quality may be particularly bad. Some readings present in late July 2022 were figures such as 114 to the northwest of the city, placing that particular area into the 'unhealthy for sensitive groups' bracket, one which as the name suggests can cause harm to more vulnerable citizens or travelers. Other readings in surrounding areas on the outskirts of the city mostly came in under 50, which placed them in the 'good' air quality bracket, with figures such as 6, 8 and 39 being present. When such readings are present, the level of air pollution will be in the more optimal range, and this applies to future readings for Bac Ninh.

Can air quality maps in Bac Ninh inform you about the types of pollutants in the air?

Air quality maps in Bac Ninh show you an updated feed of US AQI readings across the many different air quality monitoring stations in the city, as well as throughout the whole of Vietnam. Whilst the air quality map pages only show the US AQI readings, one can gain insight into what pollutants there are in the air by the levels of US AQI present, as it is a number aggregated from several main pollutants. These are ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, PM10 and PM2.5, as well as carbon monoxide. By referring to the air quality maps and air pollution maps in Bac Ninh, you may gain a clearer insight into how much exposure to the aforementioned pollutants you are getting. Many other pollutants also fall into the PM2.5 bracket. Further information about their actual concentrations can be found on the adjacent city page for Bac Ninh. However, the air quality map can show you where exactly these spikes in air pollutants are taking place and thus avoiding them becomes a much simpler task.

Can air pollution maps in Bac Ninh help reduce potential health issues?

Air pollution maps in Bac Ninh show the current US AQI readings, over the day as well as the year. Due to this constant data feed showing users how polluted certain areas are, the air quality maps can indeed reduce pollution-related illnesses. As an example, to show in slightly more depth which health problems can be avoided by utilizing the air quality maps available for Bac Ninh, they would be ones that typically affect the cardiac and pulmonary systems, or the lungs and heart. High US AQI readings on the air quality maps in Bac Ninh may also indicate that individuals would be more at risk for skin conditions due to the irritating effect that particles and certain chemical pollutants have. By referencing the air pollution maps and avoiding areas that are seeing spikes in their pollution levels, skin conditions such as severe acne, eczema and psoriasis may be avoided, along with irritation to exposed mucous membranes, which include the nose, mouth, eyes and ears. Further information provided by the air quality maps can also be effective at reducing symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or altogether halt the development of such illnesses in people that may be starting to develop lung restrictions or the full function of their lungs. As such, air quality maps in Bac Ninh can prove highly insightful and effective in reducing or outright preventing health issues, both for citizens as well as tourists and other visitors, all of whom can access these air pollution maps with ease.

Are air quality maps helpful for inhabitants of Bac Ninh?

Air quality maps in use in Bac Ninh and throughout Vietnam can aid in both reducing one’s pollution exposure and thus reducing the risk of side effects or health issues as a result. Air quality maps can indeed be overall effective as a tool for everyday use. As will be covered in the following question, air quality maps in Bac Ninh relay data from the various air quality monitoring stations in use, throughout the city as well in extended areas that cover the outer limits of the city as well as adjacent ones. Individuals should use air pollution maps in Bac Ninh for several reasons, all of which will make the air quality maps all the more effective in their usage. Some examples of those that will find the air quality maps (as well as the city pages in use on the IQAir website, that show the air pollution levels as an overall average, which can help determine the city's total pollution levels for the day, as well as the forecast for the next few days ahead) include individuals that simply want to keep their exposure to a minimum.

People who jog regularly, or partake in many other strenuous outdoor activities may wish to refer to Bac Ninh's air quality map to see whether the pollution levels in their particular area of the city are indeed safe enough to run through. Due to taking in much deeper breaths whilst exercising, certain chemical compounds and ultrafine (and even larger or more coarse particles) materials can thus be drawn deep into the lungs whilst the body is in a state of higher respiration. This will add to the pollutant's ability to cause longer-lasting damage and potentially lead to some of the above-mentioned health issues. Besides those that are active exercise enthusiasts and can refer to the air quality maps to see whether their part of the city is safe (and if it is found to be at elevated levels throughout the year, appropriate actions may even be taken to safeguard the user and their family’s health), others can find the air pollution maps to be effective at simply aiding them in avoiding pollution hotspots throughout Bac Ninh, regardless of if they are avid exercisers or not. Once again the air pollution maps can indeed be effective for these groups of people within the city, as well as throughout the rest of Vietnam, particularly in areas that have a more prominent pollution issue (and will generally have hotspots in their air quality maps that show some more significant US AQI readings, with certain areas such as busy roads and highways, construction sites and their extended grounds, as well as factories or power plants all contributing to being a potential pollution ‘hotspot’ within their relevant air quality map).

In closing, other groups within Bac Ninh as well as throughout the state of Vietnam that will find the air quality maps and air pollution maps to be more effective and much to their advantage will be people such as the elderly (who are very much susceptible to ailments of the lungs, or pulmonary illnesses, with even more superficial coughs or infections potentially turning into terminal conditions that can drastically reduce life expectancy). Other groups that will benefit from air quality maps include young children and babies, as well as pregnant mothers. As such, air pollution maps can provide useful insights for families with younger children or babies on the way. Those with pre-existing health conditions and compromised immune systems can also find air quality maps to be more effective in Bac Ninh, along with those that have a more sensitive disposition towards certain chemical pollutants or PM2.5 and PM10 particles that can on occasion be found permeating the air in certain parts of Bac Ninh and throughout Vietnam. With constant updates coming in, air quality maps can make a useful addition to many people’s lives, particularly with the ease of their use being a prominent factor.

Bac Ninh air quality data attribution


1 Data source

Data validated and calibrated by IQAirData validated and calibrated by IQAir

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