Cochin air quality map

Live air pollution map of Cochin

30.7K people follow this city

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
Very unhealthy

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*IQAir’s AQI data modeled using satellite data. Learn more

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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

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What information about air quality is found on the air pollution map for Cochin?

The air pollution map for Cochin is very easy to find at the top of the main city page. Clicking anywhere on the map will redirect the user to a new page dedicated to air quality in and around Cochin.

Once the page has opened, the viewer will be met by an overall-coloured background to the map which is a direct indication of the air quality at that time. In early September 2022, the colour was a greenish/yellow which represents “Moderate” air quality. The full meaning of all the colours used can be found in the legend at the foot of the page. The colours range from pale green to dark maroon.

The viewer will also see some coloured circles on the map which represent the position of the ground-level air monitoring stations. These circles each contain a number which is the US AQI reading. This figure is calculated by measuring the levels of six of the most commonly found air pollutants in the city air. It is then used as a metric when comparing air quality in other cities across the globe. It is endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The 6 most common pollutants include particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10), ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Looking back to the main city page, it can be seen that during September 2022, Cochin was experiencing a period of “Moderate” air quality with a US AQI reading of 66. Two pollutants were measured but it is PM2.5 that is generally used as a benchmark. Its level was recorded as being 19.2 µg/m³ which is almost four times higher than the WHO recommendation of 5 µg/m³.

By looking again at the air pollution map for Cochin, just underneath the map itself can be seen the number of stations that provide the data regarding air quality. There is currently just one station which is provided by the local government.

Is there any more interesting information available on the air pollution map for Cochin?

There is a lot more information to be gleaned from the air pollution map for Cochin once it is opened in full-screen mode. On the far left-hand side of the screen can be seen a list of four choices which can all be deactivated individually, if required. The first choice shows the location of all the ground-level air monitoring stations in and around the city and its environs. The implication of the various colours seen on the discs is explained in the legend as already stated.

The second option will show the location of any fires that happen to be burning in the locality. This needs to be considered alongside option four which shows the wind speed and direction. Together, they will give a good indication as to whether or not the ensuing smoke will affect the city.

The third option is by far the most theatrical as it can change the entire colour of the map to reflect the current air quality. It is currently a greenish/yellow which indicates “Moderate” air quality. If the viewer finds the colour too intense, then by deactivating this option, the map will revert to a normal set of colours.

Across on the far right-hand side of the screen can be found a table which ranks world cities according to their levels of air pollution. Some cities towards the top of the table may come as a surprise as they are not normally thought of as being heavily polluted.

Scrolling even further down the page to just below the map the viewer will see a table which ranks all the stations according to their air quality. As previously stated, there is only one station that provides the data which is the one at Kacheripady, Ernakulam - Kerala PCB with a US AQI reading of 52 which would be classified as being “Moderate”.

Looking further down the page will be seen another table which ranks the stations according to how many followers they have. There is not much competition just now as there is only one station in Cochin which is at Kacheripady, Ernakulam - Kerala PCB.

Are areas of higher pollution shown clearly on the air pollution map for Cochin?

Areas of high pollution can be identified in two ways. By looking at the map, the viewer needs to find the disc with the highest number and darkest colour. Or they can look just below the map to see the table which ranks the stations according to their levels of pollution. As there is only one in Cochin the answer is easy to see.

Is the source of the air pollution shown on the air quality map for Cochin?

The source of the air pollution is not directly shown on the air pollution map for Cochin. However, a new study has claimed that a quarter of the country's air pollution-related deaths are due to domestic emissions. The study said that a quarter of these deaths could have been avoided by eliminating the burning of solid biofuels, which are mainly used for domestic heating and cooking. It was followed by industry (14.8 %) and energy (12.5 %), agriculture (9.4 %), transport (6.7 %).

PM2.5 is used as a benchmark on the air pollution map for Cochin, but what is it?

Particular matter PM2.5 and PM10 are used to measure the particles present in the air. After increasing the level of PM2.5 and PM10 in the air, the problem of shortness of breath starts, burning in the eyes etc., the most problems come to those people who are respiratory patients and asthma patients. Along with this, constantly breathing in bad air can also lead to the problem of lung cancer.

The size of human hair is 50 to 60 microns, but PM10 means that the dust, dirt and metal particles present in the air are smaller than our hair and PM2.5 means that they are smaller than PM10 and can easily enter our body and even dissolve in our blood through the alveoli which are found at the base of the bronchial tubes.

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