Hummingbird International Kindergarten

Hummingbird International Kindergarten


1 Station


L'image de profil du suiveurL'image de profil du suiveurL'image de profil du suiveurL'image de profil du suiveur


A propos

At Hummingbird, children are encouraged to be independent and learn through the play following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) philosophy. Recognising that children develop more rapidly during the first seven years of their lives than at any other time, we foster high levels of interaction to promote language and communication skills, as well as creativity and critical thinking. We also incorporate Executive Function skills into our curriculum: Executive Functions are controlled by the frontal lobe of the brain which regulates the ability to think, study, solve problems independently, get along with others, and find happiness. These skills develop most during the formative years (birth to age seven) through positive learning and are vital in bringing out the best in each unique, well-adjusted child.


Hummingbird Inter Kindergarten

Bangkok, Thaïlande

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