Jalandhar air quality map

Live air pollution map of Jalandhar

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
Very unhealthy

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Most polluted air quality stations

#stationUS AQI
1 Civil Line, Jalandhar - PPCB


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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

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What readings are shown on the air quality map for Jalandhar currently?

To cite some pollution readings, in the form of US AQI figures that are present for Jalandhar as of mid-2022, the following examples will be used. These are for informative purposes only, and due to the air quality map updating itself constantly over even a single day, users can check back constantly to see what readings may be present in the various areas throughout Jalandhar. US AQI readings present on the air pollution map were ones such 97 and 100, all within close vicinity of each other and representing an air quality rating bracket that could most definitely be improved upon, that of the 'moderate' rating, which requires a US AQI reading of 51 to 100, showing up as yellow on the map. As can be seen from these readings, they are both on the utmost higher end of the 'moderate' rating chart used for the air quality map, and as such they are only a few figures away from moving up to the more dangerous 'unhealthy for sensitive groups' rating, in which the air quality would start to cause many issues amongst the population in Jalandhar. These are some examples used from readings taken in July of 2022, and the air quality map can be referenced frequently for more up to date figures for the pollution levels in the city.

How do pollution maps make use of air quality data for Jalandhar?

As was mentioned in small parts throughout the article, air quality maps in Jalandhar are relying on some air quality monitoring stations that are placed in various areas throughout the city (the exact areas which can be seen above on the map when one zooms in), as well as areas just outside the city, giving information regarding the more rural areas, however, this is not always a steady placement, and whilst the number of air quality monitoring stations will increase, for now, users can make do with the current air quality readings available on the pollution map. Wherever there are air quality monitoring stations present, the information that they gather can be coupled with the air quality map (also showing prominently on the relevant city page for Jalandhar, along with a host of other important information such as pollution forecasts, pollutant concentration levels and so on) and thus a new ring will appear on the air pollution map that shows the US AQI levels at any given time throughout the day, corresponding with the air quality monitoring station or unit that is providing the data to the ring on the map above.

These monitoring stations that detect different pollutants in the air (with the various concentrations being shown on the city pages, and just the US AQI levels being shown on the air quality map page) can and have been placed there by government organizations, as well as other organizations that have a vested interest in gathering air quality data for Jalandhar. Furthermore, individuals can also add to the amount of data available for the air quality maps. Air quality monitors can be set up and properly configured so that the pollution data they receive is sent to the air quality map and city page for Jalandhar. These individual bits of data are all properly calibrated to give the most accurate reading possible, particularly for yearly averages that are shown in the charts on the IQAir website that display the pollution levels for any given city from years past. In closing, all of these monitors provide the data needed for the air quality maps in Jalandhar, giving users a much clearer insight into the pollution levels across various areas of the city.

What causes the air quality maps to have higher readings in Jalandhar?

There are many different causes of air pollution in Jalandhar, similar to other cities in India albeit with less pollution coming from businesses, with more potentially coming from vehicles due to the large number of tourists visiting the city.

Cars, motorbikes and heavy-duty freight vehicles can all give off huge amounts of noxious pollutants, with chemical compounds and hazardous particles being part of the release, particularly if the vehicles are old, or of lower quality and in bad condition. Residual wear and tear of tire treads from vehicles in Jalandhar can lend itself to increased particle pollution, which can ramp up US AQI readings on the pollution map. There are many other sources present, with a majority of them coming from one form of combustion or another, along with finely ground materials coming from dusty roads and other areas that can leak such materials, causing prominent elevations to be seen in the air quality map for Jalandhar.

What information is available on the air quality maps in Jalandhar?

Air quality maps in Jalandhar and throughout India can give users a constant update on the levels of air pollution through the various parts of the city. As can be seen on the map on this page, each spot that has an accompanying US AQI figure is indicating how clean or polluted the air is in that location, with the surrounding vicinity included.

Due to there being many air quality monitoring stations throughout Jalandhar (and many more cropping up throughout India and indeed the rest of the world as people become more conscientious about the air they are breathing, particularly following in the wake of the global Covid crisis), all of these individual spots with their US AQI readings present on the air quality map for Jalandhar show a clearer picture in regards to the current air pollution levels, and what they are like. When the city, to use it as an example which can also be said of other cities throughout India, is experiencing some form of pollution elevations due to several different reasons (excessive amounts of traffic, industrial pollutants in the air combined with meteorological conditions such as lack of wind or rain that lead to pollution accumulating more rapidly), the areas on the air quality maps will show heightened readings of US AQI as a result. For users, this can be vital for ensuring that they have a clearer picture of which parts of the city are the most polluted, and at what times of the year, or on a smaller scale even at what time of the day. With this information in mind, as well as having the map being subject to constant updates from the air quality data feeds linked to the air pollution maps in Jalandhar, referring to the air quality maps can give users individuals much more insight into which areas of the city has the worst levels of pollution, and can tell you exactly how high these pollution levels are. With this in mind, appropriate actions can be taken. As for these appropriate measures, when US AQI levels start to rise on the air quality maps, users may want to stay clear of such areas, if possible, as well as wearing fine particle filtering masks when entering areas of the city that show higher levels of pollution on the air quality map.

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