USC Environmental Health Centers

USC Environmental Health Centers

Giáo dục

1 Station

8.4K người theo dõi

Ảnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõiẢnh hồ sơ của người theo dõi


Giới thiệu

USC Environmental Health Centers seek to inform people about the health effects of pollution through research and outreach. USC Environmental Health is in the Division of Environmental Health of the Department of Preventive Medicine at Keck School of Medicine of USC. The Center’s primary areas of research are in understanding environmental contributions to respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other health outcomes.


USCEHC - Fair Oaks Avenue

South Pasadena, Hoa Kỳ

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