Andimeshk air quality map

Live air pollution map of Andimeshk

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*IQAir’s AQI data modeled using satellite data. Learn more

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Is there a lot of interesting information about air quality on the air pollution map for Andimeshk?

All the information about air quality can be accessed from the main city page. Clicking on the air pollution map icon will open a new page which is filled with everything to do with air quality.

When the new page opens, the first thing to notice will be the overall colour of the map. It is coloured in this way to give a visual indication of the current air quality. Colours can vary from pale green through to dark maroon where the darker colours represent worsening air quality. These colours are standard across the entire IQAir website. At the time of writing, the map took on a yellow colour which indicates “Moderate” air quality. Usually, there will be several discs distributed across the page which show the locations of the ground level air monitoring stations. But not all cities have such physical stations and Andimeshk is one of them. Instead of ground-level stations, the city gets its information about air quality from overhead satellites. If the map is panned out, the closest station can be seen to be in Baghdad.

These stations display a number at their centre which is the United States Air Quality Index reading or US AQI for short. Andimeshk calculates this from the satellite data. Up to six of the most prolific pollutants are measured which are usually both sizes of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10), ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide. Once this figure has been established it can be used as a standard when comparing air quality in different cities across the globe. Its use is fully endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Going back to the main city page, it can be seen in the coloured banner across the top of the page that at the beginning of March 2023, Andimeshk was experiencing a period of “Moderate” air quality with a US AQI reading of 72. The main pollutant was found to be PM2.5 with a recorded level of 22.1 µg/m³ which is almost four and half times higher than the suggested target figure of 5 µg/m³ as recommended by the WHO. The asterisk to the right of this number shows that the data is collected by satellites, but the result is just the same.

Are there many more facts and figures about air quality on the air pollution map for Andimeshk?

There is a lot more interesting information about air quality on the air pollution map for Andimeshk. The page needs to be viewed at full size so none of the information remains hidden. This can easily be done by selecting the icon at the top of the page which will reopen it in full screen mode.

Once viewed in this way, a list of four options will be visible on the left-hand side of the screen. These can all be turned on or off individually to see the effect they each have on the map.

The first option would show the locations of the ground-level air monitoring stations which are operated by the city, but as already stated, Andimeshk has no such physical stations and relies on overhead satellites for its data. However, the results are just the same.

The second option shows the position of any wildfires that might be burning in the vicinity. Currently, there are a lot of fires burning but they are all a long way from the city in the south and west of the country. Option four shows the speed and direction of the prevailing winds so it gives a guide of where the smoke may blow.

The third option uses colour as a visual way of showing the current air quality. The yellow colour it has now shows the air as being “Moderate” quality. If this solid block of colour is distracting it can be deactivated so the map returns to a more natural hue.

The remaining information can be found on the right-hand side of the page where a table will be seen. This shows the ranking of the top seven most polluted cities in the world in descending order. The rest of the participating cities can be seen when the full ranking section is opened.

Is it possible to see the source of the polluted air on the air quality map for Andimeshk?

The source of the polluted air is not directly shown on the air quality map for Andimeshk but it is known that the sources of air pollution have not decreased in recent years, but have seriously increased, and so has the number of worn-out vehicles, the population, the volume of industrial activity, and the consumption of energy. 103 million litres of gasoline and diesel are consumed throughout the country every day and these materials are fossil fuels, and the emission of pollutants resulting from their consumption causes cumulative effects.

Fuel consumption in power plants, industry, cars, generators, heating and cooling systems, etc causes the accumulation of pollutants and smog, which causes coherent cumulative effects that exceed the ventilation capacity and is difficult for the wind to discharge.

Of the 25 million cars in the country, there are about 6.5 million worn-out cars that consume more energy and emit more pollutants. Also, about 90 per cent of the 12 million motorcycles running in Tehran are sub-standard and almost unrideable.

PM2.5 is always talked about on the air pollution map for Andimeshk, but what is it?

Iraq ranks 10th among the 10 most polluted countries in the world, according to some estimates. Examination of small harmful airborne particulate matter known as suspended particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) showed it to be as high as 39.6 micrograms per cubic meter in the country. This is a dangerous number at a time when the World Health Organisation recommends that average concentrations of PM2.5 not exceed 5 micrograms / cubic meter, while the US Environmental Protection Agency says that levels higher than 35.5 micrograms / cubic meter can cause serious health problems.

The poor air quality in Iraq is caused by vehicle emissions, pollution from war, the use of generators due to poor electrical infrastructure, and fires from oil and gas refineries. While Iraq has ratified the Paris Climate Agreement and has laws restricting pollution, the authorities have done little to reduce large-scale pollution on the ground. With rising rates of cancer and other rare diseases, many Iraqis took the initiative and decided to intervene to reduce environmental pollution themselves.

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