Long Xuyen air quality map

Live air pollution map of Long Xuyen

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
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*IQAir’s AQI data modeled using satellite data. Learn more

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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

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That information is available on the air quality map for Long Xuyen?

The air quality map for Long Xuyen is accessed via the main city page and when selected a new page dedicated to air quality will appear. One of the first things the viewer will notice is the overall background colour of the map. It is currently a dark yellow/green colour which represents “Good/Moderate” air quality. The significance of the colours is explained at the foot of the page in the legend that is found there. Pale green is for the cleanest air whilst dark maroon represents hazardous air which is the worst. These colours are standard and used across the entire website.

There is one disc over the city which represents the location of the ground-level monitoring station. This is coloured yellow, similar to the colour of the background of the map. There is also a number printed on it. This number is the US AQI reading which is a standard set of metrics endorsed by the World Health Organisation (WHO). It is calculated by measuring the levels of up to six of the most prolific pollutants and deduced from their readings. It can then be used as a standard when comparing air quality in different cities.

In June 2022. This US AQI reading was 69 which represented “Moderate” air quality. The main pollutant which was measured was PM2.5 with a level of 20.9 µg/m³. This is currently over four times higher than the target level of 5 µg/m³ as recommended by the WHO, although no amount of air pollution is considered to be safe.

Brief advice given to mitigate times of poor-quality air would be to close windows and doors to prevent the ingress of more dirty air and to limit exposure time outdoors.

Is any other information to be seen on the air pollution map for Long Xuyen?

Once the map is open in full-screen mode, a number of choices appear on the left-hand side of the screen. These can be disabled if desired and used individually for a clearer picture on the map. The first choice shows the position of the ground-level air monitors. The second option shows the position of any fires that are burning in the vicinity of the city. The “air quality” choice turns off the background hue which might make the map easier to understand because of its more natural use of colours. The last option shows the wind direction which is useful to predict whether or not the city will be affected by the smoke from the fires.

On the other side of the screen is found a table which ranks world cities according to the level of air pollution. The dirtiest will appear first at the head of the table. This can be interesting when comparing your home city with other cities around the world.

If the disc over Long Xuyen is selected the user will be taken to a page giving information about that part of the city where the monitoring station is situated. The US AQI reading is given and also a list of the most prolific pollutants. In this case it is PM2.5 at 18.6 µg/m³. The figure is quoted in microns per cubic metre.

This monitoring station is situated near Luong Van Cu, Long Xuyen and is provided by an anonymous contributor. Further down the page can be seen a brief weather forecast showing the temperature, humidity, wind speed and air pressure.

Are the areas of higher pollution levels seen on the air pollution map for Long Xuyen?

The best indication of areas of lower air quality is the positions of the ground stations, but as there is only one in Long Xuyen it does not achieve this. The station in Long Xuyen is located at Luong Van Cu and is followed by 1,339 people who will be alerted to any major changes.

Local residents may recognise the industrial zones as areas of higher pollution, and very often, the city centres are more polluted at certain times of the day during the morning and evening commutes.

Is the source of air pollution seen on the air quality map for Long Xuyen?

The source of air pollution is not directly shown on the air pollution map for Long Xuyen. But as with most expanding areas, the source of air pollution comes from many sources.

The People's Committee of An Giang province has just assigned the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to protect the air environment and strengthen the control of air pollution, thoroughly handling the "hot spots". They are required to advise and propose the Provincial People's Committee to invest in a system of continuous automatic air monitoring stations in the area, in which priority is given to the city. Long Xuyen. Also at the Binh Long Industrial Park, where brick and tile production facilities are concentrated and to promptly inform the community on monitoring results and serve air quality management in the area. In addition, they will review, inspect and require business units that are required to invest in installing continuous automatic emission monitoring systems and factories, enterprises and production facilities. Production and business must invest in the installation and operation of advanced exhaust gas treatment equipment systems to ensure that they do not pollute the environment.

PM2.5 is a term often used on the air quality map for Long Xuyen, but what does it mean?

Besides gaseous pollutants, the atmosphere can also be polluted by particles. These particles (either in suspension, fluid or in solid state), have a divergent composition and size and are sometimes called aerosols. They are often catalogued as 'floating dust', but are best known as particulate matter (PM).

Bigger particles, after being emitted into the atmosphere, quickly get taken down by gravity or are washed out by rain. The finer particles can remain in the atmosphere for a longer time (a couple of days to weeks). As such, these finer particles can be transported over longer distances and become contaminated as they react with other chemicals under the influence of ultraviolet light.

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