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Find out more about contributors and data sourcesWeather | Scattered clouds |
Temperature | 77°F |
Humidity | 79% |
Wind | 4.6 mph |
Pressure | 29.8 inHg |
# | city | US AQI |
1 | Dhaka, Dhaka | 163 |
(Local time)
SEE WORLD AQI RANKINGDay | Pollution level | Weather | Temperature | Wind |
Today | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 144 AQI US | 86° 71.6° | 4.5 mph | |
Tuesday, Oct 15 | Unhealthy 151 AQI US | 84.2° 71.6° | 4.5 mph | |
Wednesday, Oct 16 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 144 AQI US | 86° 69.8° | 4.5 mph | |
Thursday, Oct 17 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 138 AQI US | 84.2° 71.6° | 4.5 mph | |
Friday, Oct 18 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 130 AQI US | 84.2° 73.4° | 4.5 mph | |
Saturday, Oct 19 | Unhealthy for sensitive groups 148 AQI US | 86° 73.4° | 4.5 mph | |
Sunday, Oct 20 | Unhealthy 151 AQI US | 86° 71.6° | 4.5 mph |
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